Browse Title Index

Scheduled Conference Title
Mobile Financial Services Conference 2010 Branchless Banking 2010: Who’s Served? At What Price? What’s Next? - CGAP Report Abstract
Conference Manager
Mobile Financial Services Conference 2010 Branchless Banking Pricing Analysis - May 2010 Abstract
Conference Manager
Mobile Financial Services Conference 2010 Capturing the promise of mobile banking in emerging markets - McKinsey Abstract
Conference Manager
Mobile Financial Services Conference 2010 Financial services through mobile device - enabling regulatory and legal frameworks for m-banking in Jamaica Abstract
Conference Manager
Mobile Financial Services Conference 2010 Guidelines to a Mobile Banking Regulatory Framework for Jamaica Abstract
Conference Manager
Mobile Financial Services Conference 2010 Jamaica Regulatory Overview Abstract
Menekse Gencer / Camille Busette
Mobile Financial Services Conference 2010 Make mobile money matter: its potential economic impact Abstract
Joshua Haynes
Mobile Financial Services Conference 2010 m-Banking for the unbanked Abstract
Conference Manager
Mobile Financial Services Conference 2010 Mobile Banking (M-banking) Services: Current Status and Lessons learned from Early Adopting Countries Abstract
JP Shim
Mobile Financial Services Conference 2010 Mobile Financial Services: Issues of Development, Consumer Protection and Regulation Abstract
Hopeton Dunn
Mobile Financial Services Conference 2010 Mobile Payment Systems - Experience and Research pertaining to Platform Ownership, Technical Solutions and Strategies for Implementation Abstract
Carl Johan Rosenquist
Mobile Financial Services Conference 2010 Mobile Payments - A Shared Platform View Abstract
Edmundo Jenez
Mobile Financial Services Conference 2010 Mobiles and Open Access to Financial Services in Jamaica? - Economic Possibilities, Limits, and Tradeoffs Abstract
Dawn Elliot
Mobile Financial Services Conference 2010 Regulatory Imperatives in Mobile Microfinance Abstract
Hugo Daley
Mobile Financial Services Conference 2010 The Role of Mobile Operators in Expanding Access to Finance - CGAP Report Abstract
Conference Manager
Mobile Financial Services Conference 2010 Window on the Unbanked: Mobile Money in the Philippines - CGAP Report Abstract
Conference Manager
1 - 16 of 16 Items