About Dr. J. P. Shim

Dr. J. P. Shim
John Grisham Faculty Master Teacher
Professor of Management Information Systems (MIS)
Larry and Tonya Favreau Notable Scholar
Mississippi State University

Dr. J. P. Shim is John Grisham Professor (tenured) of MIS and Director of International Business Strategy Program at Mississippi State University. He received his PhD. from University of Nebraska, MBA from Seoul National University, and completed Harvard Business Executive Education. He taught Information Systems at Georgia State University (in 1991), New York University (in 1998), and Chinese University of Hong Kong (in 2000-2001) as an invited Visiting Professor. He received grants and awards, including National Science Foundation, U.S. EPA, Microsoft, Booz Allen, Mississippi Institution of Higher Learning, Japan Foundation, and Korea Foundation. He is a fifteen (15)-time recipient of outstanding faculty/research/service awards, StatePride Award, and the university’s Ralph E. Power Research Excellence Award. Dr. Shim’s coauthored research paper in DSS has been cited as top in Social Science Citation Index citations, Google Scholar citations, Elsevier citations, SCOPUS citations, and downloads in DSS.

He has co-authored 5 books and 150 articles, including Journal of Association for Information Systems (JAIS), European Journal of Information Systems(EJIS), Communications of the ACM, IEEE, Decision Support Systems, Interfaces, Omega, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Information & Management, Human Relations, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Computers & Operations Research, Journal of MCDA, and Communications of AIS (CAIS). He is Senior Editor, Associate Editor, Departmental Editor, and Editorial Board for numerous journals. He served as a Keynote Speaker and Program Chair at several international conferences. He is currently Program Chair and Fellow Chair of an international wireless telecommunication professional organization (WTS). He has lectured frequently at numerous universities, research institutes, and companies in numerous countries (over 33 different countries).

Over the past two decades, Dr. Shim’s grant efforts helped support research, service, and teaching the in the college as he served as the principal investigator for more than $2M in funded grants from various sources. Dr. Shim is a member of numerous university and college committees, including University Faculty Research Advisory Committee. He served as Chair of University Research Initiation Program Committee, chaired Ralph Powe Junior Faculty Award Committee, and chaired several college committees, served on MSU Alumni Outstanding Faculty Selection Committee. He chaired more than 20 doctoral dissertations. Professor Shim currently directs MSU Global Leadership Program.