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April 27, 2017

The unavailability of accessible micro-finance for new venture creation has been a challenge in many potential entrepreneurs’ lives. Potential youth entrepreneurs have been given nothing more than a promise of microcredit as they continue to struggle to acquire small loans to invest in their business ideas and/or grow their entrepreneurial ventures

April 26, 2017

Diasporans (foreign born population and their off-springs maintaining relations to their country of origin) are vital sources of investment, innovation and entrepreneurship illustrated by locations such as Silicon Valley, Berlin, Taiwan and Republic of Korea. Likewise, Jamaican and Caribbean, with large diaspora populations, can also drive more investments from this source into the region given an enabling environment.

April 25, 2017

For more than three decades successive governments have promised major transformation of the public sector to make it more efficient and cost effective. Despite minimal success, these efforts have failed to achieve their majour objectives. Now it appears that the domestic and external conditions are aligned to make success possible.

June 25, 2010

Edward Seaga makes a compelling case for a pegged rate, that is, “a fixed currency value accepted or legislated as non-variable. Pegged rates can last decades without change, as has been the case in the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States.”...


Colin Bullock argues that the “reintroduction of a peg would have to weigh the issue of capital controls” and could also mean “neutering the significant technical expertise in money and foreign exchange policy that has been developed at the Bank of Jamaica”....